Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Final Exam Study Guide


1. Explain how to get to the server drives and your folder?
  • Double click on "server_drives". Then go to my computer, double click on "jstudents on 'akinspubserver', Click into the PhotoJournalism, Then click on your class period, Then your name.
2. Explain how we use in this class?
  • We use to post our assignments on a blog.
3. Explain the process of creating a pinhole camera?
  • You'll need an circular oatmeal can. First cover the inside of the oatmeal container and lid with black construction paper and tape. Be sure to cover it completely. Then cut a square (the size of your thumb) on the side of the container. Cover the hole with foil in the inside of the can. Take a small needle and make one tiny whole in the foil. Then make a flap the would cover the foil on the outside on the can with black construction paper.
4. Explain how the pinhole camera works and how the image is transferred to the paper inside?
  • The pinhole forces every point emitting light in the scene to form a small point on the film, so the image is crisp. The film records the image that comes in through the pinhole. The camera records a nice, in-focus image of the scene that you point the camera at.
5. Define and explain the 10 rules of composition?
  • Rule of Thirds - If you imagine that your image is divided into 9 equally divided squares. Try to position your subject where the lines of the squares intersect.
  • Balancing Elements - When placing your subject in the rule of thirds you should try to balance the weight position another object of lesser importance on the opposite side to feel the empty space
  • Leading Lines - When following this rule you should try to create a line or lines that leads up to the subject. There are many different types of line you can do such as: straight, diagonals, zig-zag, and etc.
  • Symmetry and Patterns - When both sides of your photo involve the same components the a parallel to each other.
  • View Point - Rather than just shooting from eye level, consider photographing from high above, down at ground level, from the side, from the back, from a long way away, from very close up, and etc.
  • Background/Simplicity - When taking a picture try to take the picture with the subject in front of a plain background.
  • Create Depth - Try making your picture look 3-D. Try imagining that you can walk into your picture.
  • Framing - When taking a photo try to frame the subject between something
  • Cropping - Cut out all unnecessary details to  keep the viewer's attention focused on the subject
  • Mergers and Avoiding Them - Make sure they is nothing going out of your subject.
6. Explain how action and emotion impact a photograph
  • When putting action and emotion into a photo you making the photo look like its telling a story.
7. Explain how a photo can "tell a story"
  • By putting action and emotion in a photo the viewer can see whats happening in the photo.
8. Explain what the word "multimedia" means and share some examples of how we have seen them in class
  • Multimedia is usually a video or a video of photo/slide of photos. We used multimedia when trying to see how multimedia is stronger than just looking at a photo.
9. How to correctly write a caption.
  • First sentence: Subject -- action verb (present tense) -- object -- how -- why -- when -- where.
  • Second sentence: Subject -- verb (past tense) -- object (describes background [context] of the situation shown in picture.)
10. Explain how "strong action" verbs enhance a caption
  •  Strong action verbs can explain to the viewer what is actually happening in the photo.
11. Explain how ethics come into play in regards to photojournalism and compare and contrast this with fashion photography.
  • Ethics come into play when the photographer alters the photo. Fashion photography is very unethical because they alter a person a person to make it look better but, they are deceiving people when they do that.
12. Explain the difference between a portrait and a self portrait.
  • Portrait is when you take a picture of someone else. A self portrait is when you take a picture of yourself.
13. Explain what characteristics of a good portrait are.
  • The picture tells a story. There are great emotions and actions in the photo. And also following all the rules of compostion.
14. Explain what the major differences are between newspaper and yearbook.
  • Newspaper has more to do with getting information to the school about current events.And involves more writing. Yearbook gives you information about different clubs, groups, and activities that have happend during the entire school year. Its involves more photos.

  • limits the amount of light passing through lens or into a mirror.
  • allows light to pass through for a period of time.
  • the total amount of light on a photo.
  • ''focal length''
Single lens reflex
  • form of reflex camera in which the reflecting mirror retracts when the shutter is released.
  • photographic image that reproduces the bright portions of the photographed subject as dark and the dark parts as light areas
  • denoting a print of tranperancy showing the brightness values.
Contact sheet
  • all frames of a developed roll of negative print film.
  • helps speed up development.
Stop bath
  • an acidic neutralizer to slow the effects of the developer.
  • remove remaining light sensitive halides by converting them into soluable salts.
Safe light
  • transmit the maximum amount of light that can be used safely.
  • using additional light exposure during film development in order to darken selected areas of a photo.
  • blocking a portion of the light when printing a photograph so that an area of the print lighter.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Choice Sheets

I do not plan on taking another Print Journalism class:(

Favorite Yearbook Spread
Favorite Online Newspaper
James A. Bowie High School - The Lone Star Dispatch 

Abandoned Theme Parks

1.) The amusement  park I think is most interesting is the amusement park in Prypiat, Ukraine. I would pick that one because I would want to see how the radiation affected it.

3.) Unusual Places to take photos
  1. Swamps
  2. Ghost Towns
  3. Old Abandoned Victorian Mansions
  4. Burned Buildings
  5. Insane Asylums

5.) It would be cool to take pictures here because, they are design  very weirdly. It's cool to know the history behind them and what happened in them. There is endless possibilities of pictures you can take at these Mansions.

6.) I believe the best place to take photos of these mansions is in Europe. In order to take photos there I will need a whole camera crew because If I am there by myself I will be very scared. Some of the buildings might have no trespassing laws.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Preview of Portraits and Self-Portraits

What Makes A Good Photo?
Multiple factors come into effect when making a photo a good photo. Such as, Having the photographer take the photo in a interesting way; a way that is very unique. Photographer should try to take a photo that is not very typical and something people have not seen before. Another way is following the composition rules.

I would prefer to take a portrait of someone else because there is a variety of things you can do.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My First Print

In the JROTC classroom, Kenny Dawson is writing up the new directions for the annual scavenger hunt after school. Last year things didn't go so well so Kenny took on the challenge make the scavenger hunt new and improved.

1.) Is anything in focus?
  • The subject of the photo is in focus, The words he are writing in focus. The paper on the board isn't in focus though, I believe it isn't in focus because 
2.)Is there good contrast?
  • My photo doesn't really have good contrast. It's darker than it should be.
3.) Are all the rules followed? (Is the photo candid? Does the subject fill the frame? Does the photo contain action? Does it follow composition rules? Does it show "academics"?)
  • My photo follows many rules such as: The rule of thirds, simplicity, and cropping.  My photo is candid,and it does fill the frame. It does contains an action which is writing, which is also an academic.
4.) Is there yellowing or are there spots on the print?
  • There is no yellowing but there are tiny spots located on the picture, I believe the negative might have been damaged a little
5.) Are there print rings or spots?
  • There are tiny spots located on the picture, I believe the negative might have been damaged a little.
6.) Are your negatives, contact sheet, test strip and print stored in your folder?
  • Yes!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Ethics in Fashion Photography

1.) Changes to her face were: her lips were made more plump, her neck was made more longer, her eyes and eyebrows were lowered and bigger, they made her hair have more volume and longer, Fixed her facial structure to be more narrow.

2.) I believe this is very unethical because this is not real, the company who is doing this shoot is deceiving everyone by making them believe that there product could make you look like this when it really can't.

3.) Of course, when a company is doing this to sell a product.

4.) I don't believe this is okay and I don't think this will ever be okay.

5.) Photojournalism reveal the truth and Fashion photography is misleading.

6.) The relationship all types of photography have with reality is that they are snapping what is really happening. Changing pictures make it seem like photography is nothing but taking pictures and editing them to make things look perfect rather than a picture snapping a shot of something that really happened.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Negatives Evaluation

1.) I believe 4 of my photos turned out well

2.) 5 of my photos didn't turn out well for example: I let to much light in on one, Many of my pics had mergers.

3.) My best negative is negative #7, which is a pic of a girl sitting at a computer. I believe this photo is going to turn out great because it is in focus and follows some composition rules.

4.)The negative is in focus. My subject is in the rule of thirds. The lighting is great.

5.)I followed the Rule of Thirds, Avoiding Mergers, and Viewpoint

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A.) Many photographer use Adobe Photoshop and/or other similar programs to manipulate photo to make them look better and more interesting. Its is an offense here in the U.S. but many photographers in the Middle East are manipulating their photos. Many photographers are getting fired because of there manipulation of photos.

B.) I believe it is very unethical and unacceptable to manipulate photos. Photographers who manipulate photos are deceiving people, and making it hard for people to believe whether everything in a photo, or the whole photo is real or not.


February 2003: Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush did not debate, but appeared to in this cover shot.

This photo is very unethical because this never happened. The Daily News are deceived people minds by making them think that this really happened when it didn't. :( VERY BAD ):

February 1982: The pyramids were moved closer together to accommodate this vertical National Geographic cover.

This photo isn't as unethical as the previous one because they just moved the pyrimids closer together to make the photo look better. It isn't hurting anyone:)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Drug Cartels In Mexico

   This article on the drug cartels in Juarez is very hard story to take in. Its very difficult to believe, "that as many as 28,000 people have been killed by the cartels since 2007," . I don't see why people don't just leave the city, I personally would have been out of there already. Police officers need to try harder to stop this violence because this is unacceptable.

   I believe the stongest photo in the video is the picture at the end of the vid, where the girl has one tear on her face. I completely agree with Jeff Antebi that it sums up the city of Jaurez. It is a very heartbreaking photo and that is a very heartbreaking city.

Making A Black And White Print

  • timers
  • drying cabinets
  • tongs
  • enlargers
  • focusing aids
  • safe lights
  • developer
  • stop bath
  • fixer
 Secure the lens in the enlarger headand raise or lower the enlarger head. Place negatives emulsion-side-up on top of the print paper and lay a piece of glass over the negatives to hold them in place. Set the enlarger time varies on the  density of the negative. Place the exposed print paper in the developer tray.
Take the paper out of the developer with tongs and let all excess liquid drain off of the paper before placing it in the stop bath tray. Place in stop bath tray, leaving resin-coated paper in the stop bath. Take the paper out of the stop bath and place in the fixer. Place paper in wash after taking it out of the fixer and when done with wash put paper on drying rack. Take negative strip out of sleeve and place inside the frame in the center of the negative carrier and close the enlarger head. Focus the image on the easel using the white side of a piece of exposed print paper. Place a piece of cardboard over the test strip, leaving a small part exposed and
after each exposure, move the cardboard to reveal more of the test strip until it is completely exposed and develop the test strip. 

Switch on the enlarger light. Place a masking easel and place a used piece of photographic print paper white-side-up on the easel. Scale and focus image and create a border around the image. Switch off the enlarger light and place a sheet of unused print paper emulsion-side-up on the easel. Place filter in filter holder and close securely.Set the aperture and timer using the test-strip as a guide. Switch on timer. After exposing the print paper, place it in the developer tray and proceed with processing.

  • emulsion-a composition sensitive to some or all of the actinic rays of light, consisting of one or more of the silver halides suspended in gelatin, applied in a thin layer to one surface of a film or the like.
  • aperture-an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument.
  • masking easel-a frame, often with adjustable masks, used to hold photographic paper flat and control borders when printing enlargements.
  • exposure-the total amount of light received by a photosensitive surface or an area of such a surface, expressed as the product of the degree of illumination and the period of illumination.
  • safe light-a darkroom light with a filter that transmits only those rays of the spectrum to which films, printing paper, etc., are not sensitive.
  • dodging-(in printing) to shade (an area of a print) from exposure for a period, while exposing the remainder of the print in order to lighten or eliminate the area (sometimes fol. by out ).
  • burning-to expose one part of an image to more light by masking the other parts in order to darken and give greater detail to the unmasked area.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

What The Pros Are Doing - Repetition

By lining up identical shapes, color, or objects, in the frame, the photographer can lead the viewer's eye through the photo.

A man walks through a Tokyo building.
(The pattern of the floor tiles shows repetition and It leads the viewers eyes though the picture to the man.)

Lisa Simpson appears on television screens on a new Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 after its inaugural passenger flight from Singapore to Sydney, Australia.
 (The multiple pictures of Lisa Simpson on the small television screens show repetition and It leads the eye to the center end of the picture.)

Police officers walk amidst seized marijuana packages in Santander de Quilichao, Colombia.
 (The multiple dots show sign of repetition and It leads the eye around the screen and to the men walking)

Guests in wheelchairs are assisted into the Shanghai World Expo.
(The wheelchairs going into a straight line and the men in the green jackets show repetition and it leads the viewers eye from one corner of the screen to the other.)  

American Soldier

    A.) I believe the picture were The general is yelling at Ian and Ian is staring at him. Located in the "In the Army" category is a very powerful photo because you can see the fear in Ian's face. It is like a reality check for Ian.
    B.)The most powerful sequence of photos are the pictures in "In Country" because these images show the viewer what it is really like to be in the army, step by step.
    C.) Each picture tells a story itself and the all of the images are in an order where they each combine to tell one big story.

    A.) The captions are written in third person, and in present tense
    B.) Sometimes the viewer can't understand what the subject is doing in the photo, so captions helps the viewer get a better understanding of it.

    1.) 1st photo in "Coming Home"-Ian father tries to get in contact with Ian while waiting frantically with his wife for Ian to arrive at the New County Airport from Iraq.
    2.) 5th photo in "Coming Home"-On Ian first day back home the family eats Ian's favorite pepperoni pizza from a local pizza parlor called "Good Eats"
    3.) 3rd photo in "In Country" - Ian prays before eating his Thanksgiving dinner with his fellow crew members in the Cafeteria.

   A.) You get a more in depth look at the photo.
   B.) Videos are better than pictures because you are listing to the subjects speak about how they felt at the time and It gives you a different view on the photo, this helps you better understand what the photo is about.
   C.) Photos are better than videos because when you are looking at you interpret the photo how you want to interpret it, and by watching a video it can change you whole perception of a photo. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Show and Tell

I really like this photo. It is very amusing. It's a good action photo, the photo makes you anticipate the fall. It makes you wonder if just one guy or both guys are going to fall over the rail.

Love Is....
I really "Love" this video. It makes me think about love and It is very heart warming and calming. It gives you different views on the outlook of love.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny Captions

Many bystanders wait in line at Mini Dog in Japan, which serves best canine In the country From Bengals to Poodles Mini Dog is the greatest place to eat. Make sure you check out there dollar menu where you can get Chihuahua on a stick.
Little Johnny was very angry when his mom got arrested on Saturday at the market for stealing some Chihuahuas on a stick from Mini Dog. Little Johnny decide to give the cops a piece of his mind by "hulking up"
Sunday morning many UT dorms were discovered covered in toliet paper. Police apprehened a man in a dressed in a spider man costume passed out by the buliding; when police question him he stated that he seen the green goblin creeping by.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marlboro Marine

Q-What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slide show?
A-He used the skill to pick powerful music. The music gave you a feeling of sadness and was very emotional.

Q-What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slide show?
A-Bringing the photos into one big slide show is a very good idea. If i was just looking at the photo that Luis Sinco took on a page it wouldn't have a big effect on me like the slide show had. And I believe if the video didn't have the background music to go with it wouldn't be as powerful.

Q-What is the most powerful image from the slide show? Why?
A-I believe the most powerful image in the slide show is the photo of Miller while he is in uniform, him and his  wife are getting married because The love for his wife and being a solider

Q-What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
A-The most powerful sequence of photos are the photos of the actual war because you get to see what it's really like to be a solider in the Iraq War.

Q-How does the audio enhance the photographs?
A-It's just like movies if scary movies didn't have the background music they wouldn't be scary. So if this emotional slide show didn't have the background music it wouldn't be emotional and sad.

Q-How do the images work together to tell a story?
A-All of the photos tell a story and Sinco put the photos in an order that they transition themselves greatly between each other.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Contest Preview

Ryan Gladstone
First Place

Beg Color Open
2002 Fall Contest
Trinity HS
Euless, TX

I believe this is a very beutiful photo. It follows many of the composion rules such as: rule of thirds, balance, simplicity, and etc. The photo gives me a claming feeling and a loving feeling.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great Black&White Photographers part 3

Clarence John Laughlin

Laughlin was a surrealist which is very cool. He made his photos look ghostly and eerie. His photos were very appealing, and unbelievable.

If I was in this photo I would see an old-fashion living filled with antiques. On one bare wall I see an end table with a clock on it and just above it I see a big mirror with a woman's reflection in it but the reflection is not mine.I smell old perfume and dust. I hear a clock ticking, and I taste dust bunnies. I have an eerie feeling. The room is very cold and dark.
If I was taking this photo I would be at a graveyard, and I see all the graves. But, this particular pyramid shaped grave catches my because I see a the image on the grave that looks like a face. By this grave I smell the fresh air of the fall season. I hear birds in the background, I also taste the fresh air from the breeze that coming in. When I am by this grave I feel very calm and peaceful.
I would like to create a scrapbook or a power point to show the world my photographer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Story

The story in this picture is that the students took time out of there scheldules to take care of the kids and It shows you how much the students really care about the children.

Action and Emotion

I believe this photo shows action, obviously because the band is playing. And this photo shows great emotion because even though it is rainy the band still preformed. That shows you how the band really loves what they are doing and cares about the school.

Filling The Frame

The little kids fill the frame. And i believe they are very interesting. I don't think this is the best photo, but is interesting how the photographer took the photo. Like how he/she stood stood a little higher than the boy reading the book.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hurricane Ike

This photo represents simplicity. It has a simple background, and it is a pretty picture of the landscape.

This picture is a good example of balance. In the middle of the picture you have the colors blue and yellow, but on the outside of the picture you have dull colors.

Advance Photo Composition (Dance)

Rule Of Thirds




Creates Depth


