Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Show and Tell

I really like this photo. It is very amusing. It's a good action photo, the photo makes you anticipate the fall. It makes you wonder if just one guy or both guys are going to fall over the rail.

Love Is....
I really "Love" this video. It makes me think about love and It is very heart warming and calming. It gives you different views on the outlook of love.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Funny Captions

Many bystanders wait in line at Mini Dog in Japan, which serves best canine In the country From Bengals to Poodles Mini Dog is the greatest place to eat. Make sure you check out there dollar menu where you can get Chihuahua on a stick.
Little Johnny was very angry when his mom got arrested on Saturday at the market for stealing some Chihuahuas on a stick from Mini Dog. Little Johnny decide to give the cops a piece of his mind by "hulking up"
Sunday morning many UT dorms were discovered covered in toliet paper. Police apprehened a man in a dressed in a spider man costume passed out by the buliding; when police question him he stated that he seen the green goblin creeping by.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Marlboro Marine

Q-What skills besides photography did Luis Sinco utilize to produce this slide show?
A-He used the skill to pick powerful music. The music gave you a feeling of sadness and was very emotional.

Q-What was the effect (added power or meaning) of the multimedia effects of the slide show?
A-Bringing the photos into one big slide show is a very good idea. If i was just looking at the photo that Luis Sinco took on a page it wouldn't have a big effect on me like the slide show had. And I believe if the video didn't have the background music to go with it wouldn't be as powerful.

Q-What is the most powerful image from the slide show? Why?
A-I believe the most powerful image in the slide show is the photo of Miller while he is in uniform, him and his  wife are getting married because The love for his wife and being a solider

Q-What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?
A-The most powerful sequence of photos are the photos of the actual war because you get to see what it's really like to be a solider in the Iraq War.

Q-How does the audio enhance the photographs?
A-It's just like movies if scary movies didn't have the background music they wouldn't be scary. So if this emotional slide show didn't have the background music it wouldn't be emotional and sad.

Q-How do the images work together to tell a story?
A-All of the photos tell a story and Sinco put the photos in an order that they transition themselves greatly between each other.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Contest Preview

Ryan Gladstone
First Place

Beg Color Open
2002 Fall Contest
Trinity HS
Euless, TX

I believe this is a very beutiful photo. It follows many of the composion rules such as: rule of thirds, balance, simplicity, and etc. The photo gives me a claming feeling and a loving feeling.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Great Black&White Photographers part 3

Clarence John Laughlin

Laughlin was a surrealist which is very cool. He made his photos look ghostly and eerie. His photos were very appealing, and unbelievable.

If I was in this photo I would see an old-fashion living filled with antiques. On one bare wall I see an end table with a clock on it and just above it I see a big mirror with a woman's reflection in it but the reflection is not mine.I smell old perfume and dust. I hear a clock ticking, and I taste dust bunnies. I have an eerie feeling. The room is very cold and dark.
If I was taking this photo I would be at a graveyard, and I see all the graves. But, this particular pyramid shaped grave catches my because I see a the image on the grave that looks like a face. By this grave I smell the fresh air of the fall season. I hear birds in the background, I also taste the fresh air from the breeze that coming in. When I am by this grave I feel very calm and peaceful.
I would like to create a scrapbook or a power point to show the world my photographer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Story

The story in this picture is that the students took time out of there scheldules to take care of the kids and It shows you how much the students really care about the children.

Action and Emotion

I believe this photo shows action, obviously because the band is playing. And this photo shows great emotion because even though it is rainy the band still preformed. That shows you how the band really loves what they are doing and cares about the school.

Filling The Frame

The little kids fill the frame. And i believe they are very interesting. I don't think this is the best photo, but is interesting how the photographer took the photo. Like how he/she stood stood a little higher than the boy reading the book.